20 - Remember.mp3

Whispers Of Me Beta Membership



You are taking the first step
to record your whispers
of hope, love, wisdom and memories.

Through this record of time, your voice lives on!

As a beta test member,
you will test all pages for ease of use and links.
You will provide feedback, recommendations
and a personal testimonial.

 This information is vital to the success of this website
and we appreciate your participation!

Membership Benefits Include:

  • 14 Audio Album Recordings

  • Photo Slideshow Uploads

  • Video Uploads

  • MP3 Song Uploads

  • E-mail of All Audio Albums for Sharing with Family!

  • E-Book Fill-In-The-Blank Journal with Over 100 Questions About You.
Audio Album Topics Include:
  • About Me
  • My Spirit Within
  • My Happiest Memories
  • Important Events of My Life
  • Highs & Lows
  • In the Quiet Moments
  • My Conversations with GOD
  • Things I Fear
  • To Have and To Hold
  • Important Things I've Learned
  • Always Remember...
  • Notes of Love
  • Family Tree
  • My Heirloom Recipes
  • Favorite Photos
More Topics May Be Added

Step One: Save this page to your favorites or bookmarks.

Step Two: Access your account. Your page may be accessed within 72 hours
by going to www.whispersofme.com/first initial and last name and birth day and month.
Example: www.whispersofme.com/jdoe0605

Step Three:
Download your beta membership check-list HERE,

Follow instructions. You have up to 90 days to complete your checklist

to maintain your discounted membership rate.


Whispers of Me E-Book Journal

393 page fill-in-the-blanks journal,
featuring over 100 questions about you!

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       (c) 2015     Whispers Of Me.com     All Rights Reserved
Website Design by Advanced-Marketing-Concepts.Com


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Whispers of Me
is a Personal Audio Record of Lifetime Memories, Stories,
& Life Changing Events.

Share Your
Words of Wisdom,
& Heartfelt Notes
of Love for Your Family.

