20 - Remember.mp3

Welcome to Whispers of Me 


Tell Your Life Story
with Voice Recordings, Photos, & Video.

Whispers of Me is a Personal Audio Record

of Lifetime Memories, Stories, & Life Changing

Events. It Highlights Words of Wisdom, &

Heartfelt Notes of Love for Your Family.

Whispers of Me was created to serve as a

lasting record of one's thoughts and

experiences throughout a lifetime.

This is your keepsake to pass down for generations.

I can think of no better gift

than that of a tangible and audible record

of who we are, how we live our life

and how we feel about all things that matter to us.

This is your opportunity

to record your whispers

of hope, love, wisdom and memories.

Through this record of time,

your voice lives on!



Membership Benefits Include:
  • 14 Audio Album Recordings

  • Photo Slideshow Uploads

  • Video Uploads

  • MP3 Song Uploads

  • E-mail of All Audio Albums for Sharing with Family!

  • E-Book Fill-In-The-Blank Journal with Over 100 Questions About You.
Audio Album Topics Include:
  • About Me
  • My Spirit Within
  • My Happiest Memories
  • Important Events of My Life
  • Highs & Lows
  • In the Quiet Moments
  • My Conversations with GOD
  • Things I Fear
  • To Have and To Hold
  • Important Things I've Learned
  • Always Remember...
  • Notes of Love
  • Family Tree
  • My Heirloom Recipes
  • Favorite Photos
More Topics May Be Added

Whispers of Me E-Book Journal

393 page fill-in-the-blanks journal,
featuring over 100 questions about you!

 $5.00 Off Monthly Membership!
Now Only $30.00

Regular Price: $35.00

$60.00 VALUE

www.Whisper Of Me.Com/coupon

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Only $30.00 Monthly!

You may cancel your membership at any time with 30 days notice.
Note: Audio album pages are only accessible by active members.

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